NHS England are running a Best Start in Life for Children with Additional Needs: Commissioning Workshop, on 16 January 2023, 1300-1500 at the NHS Leadership Academy, Leeds.
This event is open to commissioners, families and carers, front line practitioners, and advocacy representation from across North East and Yorkshire.
If you are interested in joining this group, to shape improvements to service through education, training and improved collaboration and understanding, please register your place by e-mailing england.neylda@nhs.net.
This workshop is at the Leadership Academy, however MS teams details will be available if you prefer to join virtually.
They will be asking questions such as:
- What are the barriers and challenges in commissioning for this group?
- How do we move from a medico-social model of disability, to a human rights one in our commissioning?
- How can training and development support better commissioning for this group?
- What skills and knowledge are required for commissioning services for/by commissioners of services for disabled children, and does this differ for different age groups (e.g. under 5, primary etc)
- What skills and knowledge are required by others working with young children with disabilities? Social work teams, clinicians, education settings?
- What are the knowledge gaps? Law? Policy? (which? UPC, what else -Map out…) human rights?
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