May 17

NHS Diabetes Programme – Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week 22nd-28th May

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week takes place from 22nd-28th May and the NHS Diabetes Programme are reaching out to the public & healthcare professionals for their ‘healthier hacks’. You can read more from the team below.

It’s Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week from 22-28 May 2023 and we need your support!

The theme for the week is #HealthierHack where we encourage the public and healthcare professionals to share their healthier hacks on social media (we’ve included a list of examples of healthier hacks below for inspiration). These can be anything you like – simple hacks that you do to keep yourself healthy.

Would you be up for sharing yours? We’d love if it you could send it through to us so we can put it out from the @NHSDiabetesProg Twitter account! All we need is:

  • A photo or video of your healthier hack – this doesn’t have to feature you but ace if it does!
  • A line about what it is

Some examples of healthier hacks (feel free to use any of these or come up with your own!):

  • Get off the bus a stop earlier to get extra steps in
  • Swap ghee for olive oil
  • Park at the other side of the supermarket car park
  • Add a bit of friendly competition to motivate you – challenge a friend or your significant other to a game of badminton or a step-count challenge!
  • Choose healthier carbohydrates like whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat and whole oats
  • Take the stairs!
  • Eat less salt – get creative and swap out salt for different types of herbs and spices to add that extra flavour
  • Add more gentle movement into your day – walk around while brushing your teeth or stand while working

If you’re up for it, please could you send over your photo(s) or video(s) by Thursday 18May

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