Work With Us

Coproduction, Engagement and Communication

Every service user and carer should have the opportunity to have their voice heard. Through listening to feedback and working alongside people with lived experience, we can make our services better together.  

We are hosting some fantastic opportunities for people who have a learning disability, autistic people and their families and carers to be involved in.

Such as: 

  • Lived Experience Meetings
  • Patient and carer peer feedback sessions
  • Transforming Care newsletter
  • Peer support forums
  • People with Lived experience on recruitment panels
  • Co-Production Working Groups

The Humber Transforming Care team have produced a Co-production Toolkit to assist staff members from various backgrounds and services to highlight the importance of coproduction, and the benefits it can provide to people who use our services.

The toolkit below will help professionals to keep their coproduction projects on track.

Download Toolkit for Co-production

Please contact us if you have lived experience as a service user or carer and would like to be involved in this work:

Email the Humber TCP

Upcoming Events

Browse through the calendar below to see what events we have coming up that you can get involved in.

november, 2024

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