This week is World Autism Acceptance Week and we would like to help Increase awareness of the work from NHS England and partners to improve the health of autistic people.
Below you will find a variety of useful links and videos that will be shared throughout the week.
Aaron Senior and David Gill who are Autistic Lived Experience Advisors in the National Learning Disability and Autism Team at NHS England, started the week by sharing what it means to them to work at NHS England –
Amy Dissanayake who is a GP and Clinical Lead in the National Autism Team at NHS England talks about the work being done to help reduce health inequalities for autistic people
Listen to a podcast about some ways to support autistic people and their families in health services. Dr Anita Pearson, Aaron Senior and Fazilla Amide share some facts around autism and how you can make appointments go even more smoothly. They also talk about some of the important things to think about in order to make sure that people get treated equally and have the same access to healthcare. This is sometimes called reducing health inequalities. They talk about how making reasonable adjustments for autistic people can be simple to do and can make a real difference to people’s health outcomes.
Trigger warning- inequality, suicide and death.
The National Autism Team are trying to make the NHS a better place for autistic people. They have worked with autistic people to develop 10 sensory principles for making hospitals more autism friendly –
Click here for more information about this work:
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